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〈721〉 Distilling Range


To determine the range of temperatures within which an official liquid distills, or the percentage of the material that distills between two specified temperatures, use Method I or Method II as directed in the individual monograph. The lower limit of the range is the temperature indicated by the thermometer when the first drop of condensate leaves the tip of the condenser, and the upper limit is the Dry Point, i.e., the temperature at which the last drop of liquid evaporates from the lowest point in the distillation flask, without regard to any liquid remaining on the side of the flask, or the temperature observed when the proportion specified in the individual monograph has been collected.

To determine the range of temperatures within which an official liquid distills, or the percentage of the material that distills between two specified temperatures, use Method I or Method II as directed in the individual monograph. The lower limit of the range is the temperature indicated by the thermometer when the first drop of condensate leaves the tip of the condenser, and the upper limit is the Dry Point, i.e., the temperature at which the last drop of liquid evaporates from the lowest point in the distillation flask, without regard to any liquid remaining on the side of the flask, or the temperature observed when the proportion specified in the individual monograph has been collected.

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