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〈1〉 Injections and Implanted Drug Products (Parenterals)—Product Quality Tests

Parenteral drug products include both injections and implanted drug products that are injected through the skin or other external boundary tissue, or implanted within the body to allow the direct administration of the active drug substance(s) into blood vessels, organs, tissues, or lesions. Injections may exist as either immediate- or extended-release dosage forms. Implanted parenteral drug products are long-acting dosage forms that provide continuous release of the active drug substance(s), often for periods of months to years. For systemic delivery, they may be placed subcutaneously; for local delivery, they may be placed in a specific region of the body. Routes of administration for parenteral drug products include intravenous, intraventricular, intra-arterial, intra-articular, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intrathecal, intracisternal, and intraocular.

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