〈1053〉 Capillary Electrophoresis. This proposal is based on the version of the chapter official as of August 1, 2020. The European Pharmacopoeia is the coordinating pharmacopeia for the international harmonization of the compendial standard for this general chapter, as part of the process of international harmonization of monographs and general analytical methods of the European, Japanese, and United States pharmacopeias. The following general chapter, which represents the OFFICIAL INQUIRY STAGE 2 document, includes the following changes:
Add Hydrodynamic Injection and Electrokinetic Injection in the Apparatus section to elaborate these two injection modes.
Add a new section for Adjustments of Operating Conditions for Capillary Electrophoresis.
Reformat equations, improve wording, and conform to international terms throughout.
Additionally, minor editorial changes have been made to update the chapter to current USP style.
(BIO2: Y. Han)
Correspondence Number—C325669