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Broccoli Seed Dry Extract


Broccoli Seed Dry Extract. A new USP monograph for this dietary supplement is being proposed. The proposal that appeared in PF 46(3) [May–Jul. 2020] has been canceled and is being replaced with a new proposal. The liquid chromatographic procedure in the test for Content of Glucoraphanin was conducted using the SeQuant ZIC-HILIC brand of column (5 µm, 200 Å) with PEEK silica L114 packing. The typical retention times for glucoerucin, gluconapin, glucoraphanin, and glucoiberin are 5.5, 6.5, 9.5, and 10.2 min, respectively. The thin-layer chromatographic procedure in Identification A was conducted on the Merck HX 87944542 brand of silica gel, pre-coated plates, with fluorescence indicator F254 for HPTLC, 20-cm × 10-cm. The typical RF values are as follows: raffinose (0.20), sucrose (0.37), fructose (0.39), dextrose (0.44), glucoraphanin (0.26), glucoiberin (0.27), and glucoerucin (0.61).

 (BDSHM: M. Monagas)

 Correspondence Number—C199030

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