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〈2250〉 Detection of Irradiated Dietary Supplements


Federal regulations do not permit irradiation of dietary ingredients or dietary supplements for sanitation purposes. Under section 201(s) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [21 USC 321(s)], irradiation is considered an additive, and as such it requires FDA approval. Foods that are irradiated should be adequately labeled according to international and national guidelines with statements such as “Treated with radiation” or “Treated by irradiation” in addition to information required by other regulations, including the irradiation logo, the Radura [21 USC 321(s)]. Overexposure to irradiation may have negative effects on product quality. Currently, several independent methods are used to identify irradiated foodstuffs, including dietary supplements. These methods have been validated and are recognized worldwide.

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