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Saw Palmetto Extract


Saw Palmetto Extract is obtained from comminuted Saw Palmetto by extraction with hydroalcoholic mixtures or with solvent hexane or by supercritical extraction with carbon dioxide. The ratio of starting crude plant material to Extract is from 8.0 :1 to 14.3 :1. The Extract contains NLT 80.0% of fatty acids, NLT 0.2% of sterols, and NLT 0.1% of β-sitosterol, all on the anhydrous basis. The lipophilic Extract contains NLT 0.15% and NMT 0.35% of long-chain alcohols. The hydroalcoholic Extract contains NLT 0.01% and NMT 0.15% of long-chain alcohols on the anhydrous basis. It contains no added substances.

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