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〈1229.7〉 Gaseous Sterilization


The use of sterilizing gases for the preparation of materials and equipment is commonly used for items that are susceptible to damage by heat or radiation processes. Many polymeric materials, especially medical devices, are surface sterilized in this manner, as is nonpressure-rated process equipment. The sterilization of dry powders using gases is inappropriate due to the inability of gases to penetrate solid materials. The majority of gas sterilization processes employ ethylene oxide (EO), and procedures for use with other gases generally are patterned after EO practices. Ozone, mixed oxides of nitrogen, and chlorine dioxide are some of the other gaseous sterilants used. [Systems that can exist in liquid and gas phase at the operating temperatures (e.g., hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid, and paraformaldehyde) are excluded from consideration in this chapter.] EO's ability to penetrate through polymers, cellulosics, and other materials allows it to be used for the terminal sterilization of medical devices in their final packaging. The other sterilizing gases may be suitable for similar applications.

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