Phendimetrazine Tartrate Tablets. This proposal is based on the version of the monograph official prior to 2013. It is proposed to revise the monograph with the following changes:
Replace the melting point-based Identification A with the retention time agreement as obtained in the Assay.
Add Identification B with a UV spectrum agreement as obtained in the Assay and rename Identification B to Identification C accordingly.
In the Assay:
Revise the Detector to include wavelength range to support the proposed addition of Identification B.
Add the particle size for the Column.
Add a Tailing factor requirement based on supporting data.
Clarify the System Suitability requirements for Resolution and Relative standard deviation.
Clarify the definition for RU and RS under Analysis.
In the Dissolution test:
Add the particle size for the Column.
Add the calculation equation for the Analysis.
Add packaging information and a storage condition to the Packaging and Storage section.
Additionally, minor editorial changes have been made to update the monograph to current USP style.
(SM2: F. Gu)
Case ID—SUB-277