Acetic Acid Otic Solution. This proposal is based on the version of the monograph official prior to 2013. It is proposed to revise the monograph with the following changes:
Replace Identification A based on the wet chemistry, with the chromatographic retention time agreement using the proposed Assay.
Replace Identification B based on the wet chemistry, with the UV spectral agreement using the proposed Assay.
Replace the titration-based Assay with a validated liquid chromatographic procedure. The proposed HPLC procedure was validated using the InertSustain AQ-C18 brand of column with L1 packing. The typical retention time for acetic acid is about 5 min.
Add the USP Reference Standards section to support the proposed Assay procedure.
Additionally, minor editorial changes have been made to update the monograph to current USP style.
(SM3: S. Banerjee)
Case ID—SUB-602