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〈1761〉 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy - Theory and Practice


〈1761〉 Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. This proposal is based on the version of the chapter official as of May 1, 2013.  A proposal to revise Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 〈761〉 also appears in this issue of PF. A summary of the proposed revisions is as follows:

  1. Revise the chapter title to align with the other suite of spectroscopy chapters and reflect the revised content within the chapter.

  2. Reorganize to align with principles of the life cycle approach and revisions to 〈761〉. Present general method parameters. Demonstrate case studies of the life cycle approach in Appendix section.

  3. Revise Principles of NMR to describe the quantum mechanics of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal and to demonstrate the dependence of the NMR signal intensity on the magnitude of the equilibrium magnetization, expressed in terms of Planck’s constant.

  4. Add Characteristics of the NMR Spectrum, which delineates all the characteristics into clearly defined subsections covering chemical shift, coupling, defining peak area, types of spin system relaxation, relaxivity, and the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE).

  5. Expand NMR Spectrometers to include discussions of sample spinning and NMR tubes.

  6. Add two new sections, Acquisition Parameters and Other Experimental Considerations, describing best practices for the optimization of experimental acquisition parameters as well as the selection of solvents and preparation of samples.

  7. Expand Post-acquisition Data Processing to include additional processing techniques and modern advanced methods.

  8. Expand the sections covering qualitative and quantitative applications; present structure-elucidation and -identification techniques; describe best practices for experimental design in quantitation; and discuss both 1D and 2D NMR quantitative applications and methods.

  9. Add Benchtop NMR, which includes a discussion of both time- and frequency-domain techniques.

  10. Remove the section on solid-state NMR spectroscopy because a new general information chapter on the subject is being proposed.

 Additionally, minor editorial changes have been made to update the chapter to current USP style.

 (GCCA: Y. Liu)

 Correspondence Number—C295683

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