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American Ginseng Root and Rhizome Dry Extract


American Ginseng Root and Rhizome Dry Extract is prepared from the dried roots and rhizomes of Panax quinquefolius L. by extraction with water or hydroalcoholic mixtures. It contains NLT 10.0% of total ginsenosides, calculated as the sum of ginsenoside Rg1 (C42H72O14), ginsenoside Re (C48H82O18), ginsenoside Rb1 (C54H92O23), ginsenoside Rc (C53H90O22), ginsenoside Rb2 (C53H90O22), and ginsenoside Rd (C48H82O18), on the anhydrous basis; the content of total ginsenosides is NLT 90% and NMT 110% of the labeled amount. It may contain suitable added substances as carriers.

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