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〈1105〉 Immunological Test Methods—Surface Plasmon Resonance


Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) optical detection is a useful method for the label-free assays (procedures) that study biomolecular interactions. Commercially available SPR biosensors that incorporate these assays can collect real-time, information-rich data from binding events. These data can be used widely from basic research to drug discovery and development to manufacturing and quality control (QC). SPR can characterize binding events with samples ranging from proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules to complex mixtures, lipid vesicles, viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotic cells. Typical quality and safety attributes addressed with SPR analysis include:

  • Interaction specificity

  • Interaction affinity

  • Kinetic binding parameters

  • Thermodynamic parameters

  • Biologically active concentration of an analyte

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