〈1331〉 Use and Calibration of Volumetric Apparatus. The General Chapters—Measurement and Data Quality Expert Committee is proposing the following new chapter. On the basis of comments received, the previous proposal that appeared in PF 49(5) [Sep.–Nov. 2023] has been canceled and replaced with this new proposal. This new general chapter has been developed to provide guidelines on methods validating the original calibration of volumetric apparatus described in Volumetric Apparatus 〈31〉, their appropriate usage, and for periodic recalibrations as needed. This chapter contains the following relevant sections: a scope with volumetric apparatus accuracy classes, the relevant public standards, user considerations, measurement considerations, calibration process, calculations, a glossary, useful references, and additional sources of information used in the proposed text.
(GCMDQ: Y. Liu)
Case ID—SUB-1413