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Gastrodia Rhizome


Gastrodia Rhizome consists of the dried tuberous rhizome of Gastrodia elata Blume (Fam. Orchidaceae), which is collected in winter or spring, immediately washed, steamed, and either dried in the sun or at NMT 60° with proper ventilation. It contains NLT 0.20% and NMT 1.5% of phenols calculated as the sum of gastrodin (C13H18O7) and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol (C7H8O2), and NLT 1.2% of benzyl citrate glycosides calculated as the sum of parishin A (C45H56O25), parishin B (C32H40O19), parishin C (C32H40O19), and parishin E (C19H24O13), all on the dried basis.

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