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Coptis Species Rhizome


Coptis Species Rhizome consists of the dried rhizome of Coptis chinensis Franch., Coptis deltoidea C.Y.Cheng & P.K.Hsiao, or Coptis teeta Wall. (Family Ranunculaceae), with roots removed, collected in autumn. It contains NLT 9.0% and NMT 20% of total quaternary protoberberine alkaloids calculated on the dried basis as the sum of columbamine (C20H20NO4+), jatrorrhizine (C20H20NO4+), epiberberine (C20H18NO4+), coptisine (C19H14NO4+), palmatine (C21H22NO4+), and berberine (C20H18NO4+); and NLT 5.0% and NMT 15% of berberine on the dried basis.

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