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Pomegranate Fruit Dry Extract


Pomegranate Fruit Dry Extract. Because there is no existing USP monograph for this dietary ingredient, a new monograph is being proposed. The proposal originally published in PF 46(3) [May–Jun. 2020] has been canceled and is being replaced with a new proposal. The liquid chromatographic procedure in the test for Content of Ellagitannins was conducted using the Phenomenex Prodigy ODS-3 100 Å brand of column with 5-µm L1 packing. The typical retention times for punicalin A, punicalin B, punicalagin A, punicalagin B, and ellagic acid are 6.7, 6.9, 10.3, 11.7, and 18.3 min, respectively.

 (BDSHM: M. Monagas)

 Case ID—SUB-217

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