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Dong Quai Root


Dong Quai Root. This proposal is based on the version official as of August 1, 2023. It is being proposed to replace the azeotropic–toluene distillation method with a titration method in the test for Water Determination.

 In the current official monograph, Method II (Azeotropic–Toluene Distillation) from Water Determination 〈921〉 is used, which requires a large amount of toluene and is time consuming. A direct titration method is simple, specific, and more accurate. Because plant material contains intracellular water, external extraction, rather than titrating the sample directly, is conducted.

  Additionally, minor editorial changes have been made to update the monograph to current USP style.

 (BDSHM: C. Ma)

 Correspondence Number—C326878

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